Dale Carnegie Romania Blog
As a global leader in workplace training and development, we’ve created custom resources to supplement your training, as you further develop the skills to become a better, more confident, and more effective version of yourself.
Financial Capital vs. Social Capital in the Return-to-Work Debate
by Mark Marone | Apr 2021
Critical Thinking
Dale Carnegie White Paper | Jan 2021

2021 Top 20 Leadership Training Company
Training Industry | Mar 2021

We are pleased to announce that Dale Carnegie has been selected as a 2021 Leadership Training Top 20 Company by Training Industry!
Training Industry, the leading research and information resource for corporate learning leaders, prepares the Training Industry Top 20 report on critical sectors of the corporate training marketplace to better inform professionals about the best and most innovative providers of training services and technologies.
>> Click below for full article
Corporate Culture Under Pressure
ABSL 8th Annual Conference | Nov 2020

We’ve all been part of the sudden shift towards remote work and have already faced many of the new complexities in both communication as well as collaboration. We ourselves, have undergone drastic changes to our business model and therefore fully understand the impact of these changes on the very structure of organizations across the country and the everyday experiences of their employees.
Disruption to the rhythms of everyday and the lack of in-person human interactions has created a drain on social capital and professional networks.
>> Click below for full article
"Dacă nu te preocupă procesul de a deveni persoana care vrei să fi, te vei regăsi implicit, în persoana care nu vrei să fi."
Dale Carnegie
What are you waiting for?
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