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Dale Carnegie Sales Training: Winning with Relationship Selling

The Dale Carnegie® sales process is established on a foundation of building trust and strengthening client relationships.

Discover the difference between success and failure

Whether someone is persuading colleagues, selling to a client, or energizing a team, the power of the presentation makes the difference between the individual and company’s success and failure. That’s why Dale Carnegie presentation training courses offer proven methods for ensuring success with each and every presentation.

The Dale Carnegie® sales process is established on a foundation of building trust and strengthening client relationships. It provides structure to help a novice sales person start strong or a veteran navigate current and future leading practices.

This 8-session, 16-hour live online seminar Dale Carnegie® Sales Training: Winning with Relationship Selling delivers practical tools to connect, collaborate, create solutions unique to each buyer, gain confirmation, and secure commitment at all points in the sales cycle. Along the way, participants go through a transformative experience that will grow and sustain self-confidence along with belief in the value of your organization and your solutions.

Course Objectives

  • Create and demonstrate sales strategies that facilitate the buying process through relationship-oriented techniques.
  • Use methods to establish a connection with customers to gain access and establish trust.
  • Construct solutions in collaboration with customers while offering insights and establishing value.
  • Apply the Dale Carnegie Sales Model to eliminate objections and minimize the need for negotiation.
  • Employ proven techniques to maintain customer relationships and encourage repeat business.

Who Should Attend

Professionals at all levels who wish to optimize their performance, lead with conviction and positively affect the bottom line.

Time Commitment:

8 Sessions, 2 Hour Each


Live Online (WebEx)

A persuasive employee is a powerful employee

The ability to give an effective presentation in the workplace is a crucial skill that every employee should possess. Effective delivery and presence can help get a message across and influence an audience in memorable ways, as well as equipping presenters with a confidence that persists in every aspect of their work.
Our presentation training courses will help you:
Communicate with clarity
and conviction
Structure presentations for
better outcomes
Engage participation and
Encourage audiences to take

Develop the skills needed to present effectively

Our training provides courses for effective presentation skills, and our modules provide the knowledge and tactics that empower you to communicate confidently and competently to all types of audiences. View the unique and effective modules we offer to learn more about immediately delivering effective presentations.
“Dale Carnegie Training was the catalyst that got us through some challenging times and allowed our leadership team to focus on common goals that were better understood by nearly everyone. Dale Carnegie Training changed the look and feel of our organization.”
Edward M. D’Alba, PE
President, Urban Engineering, Inc.

Participă la acest curs

Our Trainers

Our trainers have over 16 years of experience in working with companies to transform cultures and drive long-term results.

Our trainers have over 15 years of experience in working with companies to transform cultures and drive long-term results.

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Andrei Popescu

Carnegie Master

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Ovidiu Palici

Senior Trainer

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Gina Bulai

Senior Trainer

Free practical tools and resources that will help you become a better presenter:
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