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Dale Carnegie курс

Effective Communications and Human Relations

You’ll learn to strengthen interpersonal relationships and develop a commanding attitude, instilling confidence and enthusiasm in your workplace.
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When you look at successful people, what do you see? Confidence. Enthusiasm. Competence. They’re engaged in all aspects of their work and life, inspiring others as they lead by example.

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This course will help you master the communication skills necessary in today’s demanding business environment. You’ll learn to strengthen interpersonal relationships and develop a commanding attitude, instilling confidence and enthusiasm in your workplace.

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Does the experience make a difference? Clients say yes. You’ll see the results as you stretch your abilities, tackle complex challenges, expand your ingenuity, and excel in building team harmony. Effective Communications & Human Relations will focus your energy to become a more effective communicator, securing your place as a valued contributor in your organization

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This Dale Carnegie Course helps you master the human relations skills that enable you to thrive in any setting. You’ll discover how to form closer, more rewarding relationships built on trust and respect. Increasing your confidence and competence in interacting with others will gain the influence you need to reach new heights in your personal and professional life, all without leaving your home or office.

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