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한국지사 웹사이트

Dale Carnegie Korea

데일카네기 한국 지사 웹사이트에서 더욱 많은 정보를 확인하시기 바랍니다.


데일카네기는 한국 내 개인 및 조직의 비즈니스 성과를 개선을 위해 힘써왔습니다. 글로벌 리더십 교육훈련기관인 데일카네기트레이닝은 지난 한 세기동안 계속 진화하고 있으며, 데일 카네기의 핵심 원칙들은 늘 한가지 비전을 이루고자 합니다. : 진정한 변화는 바로 그 안에서 시작됩니다.

Dale Carnegie 대한민국

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47, Yeoksam-ro 17-gil Gangnam-gu,
Seoul, 06237 KR

Yeumsoon Choi

다음 과정 날짜

당사는 모든 주요 주제에 대한 역량을 개발할 수 있도록 지원합니다


Upcoming Courses

In Person & Live Online

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Building the Skills for Workforce Agility in an Era of Digital Transformation

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As the world of work continues to evolve at a rapid clip, technology’s growing influence across all aspects of business is adding a whole new variable to the mix. While digital transformation has been on the agenda for most industries in recent years, the coronavirus pandemic and resulting social distancing requirements have suddenly accelerated that process for everyone.

Remote work is the new normal for a huge number of organizations today and, potentially, for the foreseeable future. At the same time, more businesses are looking at how they can use technology to automate previously labor-intensive processes and tasks — a shift that will likely endure beyond the current realities.

Leading Successful Remote Teams

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The nature of our business at Dale Carnegie is about people, resilience, agility, creating confidence and dealing with stress and worry. Our focus during these past months has been on supporting our customers, the communities we serve and our network of local offices around the world dealing with the fear and uncertainty of the current pandemic.

The same priorities of building confidence, resilience, and overcoming stress are key to leading successful remote teams, the current situation in which most businesses find themselves. It can be challenging in times of crisis, but there are methods leaders can use to help remote teams successfully deal with change and bounce back from setbacks, even during our very challenging current environment.

5 Time Management Tips to Avoid Festive Stress @ Work

July 20, 2019

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‘Tis the season to be jolly, but for 73% of the UK workforce the build up to Christmas is anything but merry, with concerns that work will ruin their festive cheer.

Additional social commitments, end of year project deadlines, getting ready for ‘New year, new targets’ and trying to prepare for time-off, along with the pressure of being ready for the big day itself means the season of goodwill is a testing time for a lot of people.

5 Time Management Tips to Avoid Festive Stress @ Work

July 20, 2019

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‘Tis the season to be jolly, but for 73% of the UK workforce the build up to Christmas is anything but merry, with concerns that work will ruin their festive cheer.

Additional social commitments, end of year project deadlines, getting ready for ‘New year, new targets’ and trying to prepare for time-off, along with the pressure of being ready for the big day itself means the season of goodwill is a testing time for a lot of people.


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3 Days: 5/13, 5/14, 5/15

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In-Person: Location

3 Days: 5/13, 5/14, 5/15

Take Command of Your Career and Future

Whether you're searching for the confidence needed to embark on a new venture or for the strength to enact change in your community, we offer proven tools to help you make an impact.

Live Online Overview

Dale Carnegie Course

Topher Olsen, Alliance Residential

100년 넘게 이어져 온 우수한 교육을 직접 경험해 보십시오

데일 카네기 트레이닝의 검증된 교육방법론은 전문가로서의 역량 강화 뿐 아니라 각 개인의 성공과 행복한 삶을 위한 과정입니다.

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Meet The Team

Our trainers have over 30 years of experience working with companies to transform cultures and drive long-term results.

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Jane Smith

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Jane Smith

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Jane Smith

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Jane Smith

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Dale Carnegie

"If you are not in the process of becoming the person you want to be, you are automatically engaged in becoming the person you don’t want to be."
Dale Carnegie


What are you waiting for?

일터와 일상생활에서 성공하기 위해 귀하가 필요로 하는 역량 개발에 관하여 질문이 있거나 더 자세한 정보를 원하시면 언제든지 연락주십시오.