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Performance Reviews That Motivate

Discover how to keep evaluations focused on facts and outcomes, and that leave employees feeling motivated to exceed expectations.

Informazioni su

Performance reviews can cause anxiety for the associates being appraised and in the manager responsible for conducting them. However, when approached with a plan, and conducted with skill and finesse, performance reviews IMPROVE employee engagement. Make performance reviews something your team looks forward to, instead of dreading!

Che cosa imparerai

You’ll learn to plan and conduct a performance review that generates trust and engagement, Identify more than 25 do’s and don’ts for an effective performance conversation. Discover how to keep evaluations focused on facts and outcomes, and that leave employees feeling motivated to exceed expectations.

Perché vuoi impararlo

By setting expectations and helping associates to create their own achievable targets, then coaching and providing helpful feedback throughout the year, performance management can become a part of the culture. Setting associates up for success review makes your job easier throughout the year. Establishing clear and achievable targets enables you to monitor performance and provide helpful feedback that keep associates on track for optimum results.

In che modo ti aiuterà

Performance reviews don’t have to hurt. Through a proven process you’ll be able to plan conversations that make a positive impact. Techniques for conducting a review will help you make the time with your associates positive, productive -- and something they will RAVE about afterwards!

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